Our systemic, co-creative coaching helps teams create collective learning and change within their dynamic system. Join us to boost engagement, improve awareness and interactions and create fresh thinking!
Puro Team Coaching

Puro Team Coaching

Is your team stuck or full of conflicts?
Or is it a great team simply driven to improve? We empower teams of all shapes and sizes: co-located and distributed, functional and cross-functional.
Even project- and partnership teams.
Puro Leadership Team Coaching

Puro Leadership Team Coaching

A group of great leaders doesn't guarantee a great leadership team.
To the contrary: leadership teams come with their unique challenges to team interactions that can dilute purpose and focus.
Join us to develop collaboration and effectiveness to create a high-performing organisation.
Puro Offgrid Team Experience

Puro Offgrid Team Experience

PURO Teams off-grid experience is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to build team relatedness, cohesion, purpose and identity. We offer teams a four-day immersive, combining physical activity and team focus in central Finland, literally off the grid.